Dress Code and Cell Phone Policy Reminders

Edgewood Families,

As we move into second semester, we want to remind our students of the dress code policy as well as cell phone usage on campus. Families are encouraged to review the Edgewood Student Handbook, as well as the Brevard Public Schools Code of Conduct for Secondary Students (please see the letter from Dr. Thedy, Deputy Superintendent).  We ask that parents continue to support our efforts in upholding these policies.

Dress Code –

Dress code infractions have become a prevalent concern on campus.  Families are strongly encouraged to review the Edgewood Student Handbook on dress code, found on pages 25-27, as this policy is reflective of the dress code policy set in place by Brevard Public Schools, which can be found at https://www.brevardschools.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=6196&dataid=21332&FileName=2022.23%20Code%20of%20Student%20Conduct%20Final.pdf.

Cell Phones on Campus –

In accordance with Brevard Public Schools Board Policy 5136 – Wireless Communication Devices, except when authorized by a teacher or administrator, students are prohibited from using a cell phone during instructional time. Cell phones must be off and kept in a backpack or put away. Per Board policy, students may only use cell phones before and after school, during their lunch break, and during after school curricular activities as long as they do not create a distraction, disruption, or otherwise interfere with the educational environment. Families are encouraged to review Edgewood’s Cell Phone and Wireless Communication Device policy in the Student Handbook, found on page 24, as this policy is reflective of the Electronic/Wireless Devices policy set forth by Brevard Public Schools, which can be found at https://www.brevardschools.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=6196&dataid=21332&FileName=2022.23%20Code%20of%20Student%20Conduct%20Final.pdf.


Please note the consequences for violation of both policies.  Thank you.